Friday, November 27, 2015


Why did I recommend ciwalk?
It's because ciwalk is a vast mall, and there are a lot of shops there. There were like some restaurant, some distro, a dvd shop, and a lot of more. The outdoor view of ciwalk are decorated by a lot of trees, So I would like to say it was "green". One of the restaurant that is famous is Bakmi GM. And of course it sells noodles.

Bakmi GM is not really an old restaurant in there, it was built in the year of 2014 or 2015, maybe. But Bakmi GM was always full of people in there. It was always crowded. And if I want to eat there, usually I need to sign my name in the waiting list. And of course, a lot of waiting. I think that the noodles in there are special, it has some kind of a special taste, different than any ohter.
There are also a some kind of "distro" in ciwalk that sells clothes, and some other shops. But actually, my favourite shop is the dvd shop indoor. It sells dvds, cds, blu-rays, and also my favourite, video games. Kinda expensive but it's okay, I think.

I think that's it, that's the reason why I choose ciwalk.

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